July 2004

#04-31 (07/26/04)

A Meeting in Toledo

In early summer 1502, Duke Philip the Fair of Burgundy was escorted into Toledo by his father-in-law King Ferdinand, where they were greeted by Queen Isabella--the greatest lowland of composers of the day travelled along and composed for the occasion, and the latest recording by the Orlando Consort celebrates this meeting.


CD Info:

#04-30 (07/19/04)

A Meeting in the Lowlands

The latest recording by the Binchois Consort takes us to a time when the great Duchy of Burgundy met the Royal French Court at Dufay's home cathedral at Cambrai, as Henry Tudor was preparing to cross the Channel to retake England from Richard III.


CD Info:

#04-29 (07/12/04)

Lesse faire a mi

How do the greatest Franco-Flemish composer, Josquin Desprez, a misguided French king, an infamous Pope, and the vengeful younger brother of Ottoman emperor Bayazid II come together in an exquisite mass whose motto is "Let me be?" We'll find out this week.

Composer: JOSQUIN DESPREZ (c. 1440-1521),

CD Info: CD RIC 159166

#04-28 (07/05/04)

Living Tradition of the Sephardim

Flory Jagoda again teams with Howard Bass in a program celebrating her family's journey out of Spain into the safety of Turkey, her grandparents' journey to Ottoman Bosnia, and eventually her arrival in America.


CD Info:

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