April 2009

#09-18  🔊 (04/27/09)

Flemish Dance and Songbooks — The Early Performers

A look back at some of the early dance recordings: the Capella Antiqua, Musica Aurea, Musica Reservata, and the Early Music Consort of London.


CD Info: Christophorus CD CHE 0020-2, Boston Skyline CD BSD 123, Boston Skyline CD BSD 138, Testament CD SBD 1080,

#09-17 (04/20/09)

Between Earth and Heaven

Again, a new recording by the Benedictine Monks of the Abbey of Chevetogne; this week, Eastertime and Ascension.


CD Info:

#09-16 (04/13/09)

Ronsard and the Lowlands

The Dutch ensemble Egidius Kwartet looks at the lasting influence of Ronsard's verse on the Franco-Flemish school, including Lassus, Regnart, and Arcadelt.

Composer: Pierre Ronsard (1524-1585), MARC-ANTOINE MURET (1526-1585), ROLAND de LASSUS (1532-1594), JACOB ARCADELT: (1505-1567), JEAN de CASTRO (c.1540-c.1600), FRANCOIS REGNART (c.1545-1599), JAN PIETERSZOON SWEELINCK (1562-1621), ANDREAS PEVERNAGE (1543-1591)

CD Info: ET'CETERA label, CD KTC 1254

#09-15 (04/06/09)

Sacred Lassus III: Holy Week and the Lamentations of Jeremiah

As we enter the 30th anniversary season of Millennium of Music, we share the great Holy Week writings of Lassus.

Composer: ROLAND DE LASSUS (1532-1594)

CD Info: CDA 66321/2,

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