November 2019

#19-49 (11/25/19)

A Spanish Nativity

Our guests Stile Antico turn to the sensuous musical world of Renaissance Spain with a superbly rich and luminous mass by Alonso Lobo, based on a motet by Guerrero and intended for performance at Toledo Cathedral. Interspersed between its movements are an exuberant ‘ensalada’ by Mateo Flecha, inviting us to be present at the nativity through the use of traditional dance rhythms, beautiful Christmas miniatures by Tomás Luis de Victoria, and classic villancicos – Spain’s answer to the traditional carol.

Composer: Alonso Lobo, Tomás Luis de Victoria, Francisco Guerrero, Christóbal de Morales, Flecha el Viejo, Rimonte

CD Info: CD HMM 9022312

#19-48 (11/18/19)

Yet three more from Ricercar

Secular music of Josquin, penitential music in the Chiesa Nuova in Rome (1610), and motets by Natale Monferrato.

Composer: Josquin, Cavalieri, Quagliati, Anerio, Langa, Macque,Cifra, Animuccia, Frescobaldi,Natale Monferrato (1610-85)

CD Info: CD RIC 403, CD RIC 399, CD RIC 405

#19-47 (11/11/19)

Three Renaissance Masters

Lenten music of Cristobal de Morales, a grand mass by Cipriano de Rore, and the second CD in Cinquecento’s series on Palestrina.

Composer: Cipriano de Rore, Palestrina, Cristobal de Morales

CD Info: CPO 777 989-2, CD CDA 68284, CD LAU019

#19-46  ðŸ”Š (11/04/19)

Les Sacqueboutiers de Toulouse, Part 1

For 45 years this superb ensemble has brought the world of early brass and winds alive; this week, the early Italian baroque.

Composer: Giovanni Gabrieli, Monteverdi, Giovanni Martino Cesare

CD Info: Flora CD 3314, Flora CD 1709, Flora CD 3615.

Please check back for updates! More shows continue to be made available by our magnificent donors as we rescue our classic shows.